In the gloomy Harklights Match Factory and Orphanage, Wick toils endlessly for the greedy Old Ma Bogey, yearning for freedom. One day, a miraculous event changes everything: a bird delivers a magical gift - a baby in an acorn cradle. As the clock strikes midnight, Wick is visited by the Hobs, tiny guardians of the forest. Grateful for Wick's kindness to their abducted child, they offer him a chance to escape the oppressive Harklights and join them in the wild. Recipient of the Joan Aiken Future Classics Prize, "Harklights" weaves a enchanting tale of family, friendship, and the wonders of the natural world, delivering a powerful message of hope for all.
Age: 8+
Key stage: KS2, KS3
Number of pages: 304 pages
Publishing house: Usborne
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